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ICF World Cup Breakdown

World Cup 1

20-22 May 2016, Duisburg, Germany

Both Lisa Carrington and the K4 Women’s Team (Aimee Fisher, Caitlin Ryan, Kayla Imrie and Jaimee Lovett) will use Duisburg to test themselves under pressure, as this will be their first international race since qualifying for the Olympics at last year's World Champs. It will be a great insight into how they stack up against the other representative teams.

Marty McDowell drew a tough first heat at the World Champs last year, coming up against six of the fastest paddlers in the K1 1000m. Let’s hope he has a better draw this year as he progresses through to the semifinals.

Marty and Lisa will skip the World Cup 2 events and depart straight for Portugal after racing. This gives them a good week of training before the World Cup 3 racing in Montemor.

For race info and results head to the Duisburg Race Page here

World Cup 2

27-29 May 2016, Raçice, Czech Republic

The K4 Women race on Saturday afternoon in Race 103 at 16:10 or 104 at 16:16.

The final for the K4 500m will be on Sunday at 10:24

Race timetables and results on the Racice Race

World Cup 3

3-5 June 2016, Montemor, Portugal

With a week of training under their belts, Lisa and Marty will be amping to get back into the racing. Meanwhile the NZ K4 Women will be back at home in New Zealand focusing on their Olympic goals.

See the timetable, draw and results on the Canoe Sprint Portugal website here